CJD is a disease caused by a misfolding protein, called a prion. (PREE-on) Prion diseases are a group of rare and fatal brain diseases which occur in both humans and animals. In humans, it is known as CJD. Cows get BSE, which stands for bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Deer and elk contract CWD, or chronic wasting disease. There is no cure or clinical diagnosis for CJD. There is no cure for any of the diseases in the prion family.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Consider this when choosing a nursing home.

Everyone who has to deal with CJD has to deal with this at some point. Where do I put my loved on as they are dying? Will we care for this person at home or will we choose a nursing home or hospice? My father and I chose Hospice of the Valley to care for my mother in her final days (all six of them after CJD diagnosis). But for those of you considering nursing homes, check this out. I figure it is good to know that the non-profit homes provide better care.


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