CJD is a disease caused by a misfolding protein, called a prion. (PREE-on) Prion diseases are a group of rare and fatal brain diseases which occur in both humans and animals. In humans, it is known as CJD. Cows get BSE, which stands for bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Deer and elk contract CWD, or chronic wasting disease. There is no cure or clinical diagnosis for CJD. There is no cure for any of the diseases in the prion family.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm very excited about tomorrow

With the holidays finally past and the week nearly over, I finally get to steal a moment to blog about CJD. I haven't had a chance to read the full study yet, but scientists have found an exciting new way to make bovines resistant to BSE using genetic engineering. It's actually been big news in the mainstream, too! I was glad to see that. I got e-mails from friends asking if I'd seen it and phone calls as well -- and even from people who aren't in a CJD family like I am.

Every breakthrough counts! I think we may be entering a very optimistic age in prion science. The research is advancing quickly. There is hope.

Tomorrow, my father and I, along with Jeanne White (Jeff Schwan's aunt) will be at Barrow Neurological Institute for grand rounds on CJD facilitated by Dr. Sejvar of the CDC. Maybe this is a good place to post (once again) the links to my stories on Jeff and my mom:

Jeff Schwan

Phyllis Larson

Jeff's story resonates with me right now because a young man of age 18 is dying of this horrible disease right now in Virginia. While my mother with her age of 56 and genetic mutation didn't have much of a chance against this disease, Jeff should have at the age of 25. The young man in Virginia should have a better chance too. There is no reason why the very young should die of this disease. It boggles my mind! Not to mention Charlene Singh and the many others, some in their twenties, some in their thirties and some in their forties... Even 56 is young for CJD.

This is why we must keep searching for answers.

I wish you peace, hope, and advances in science for all of us in 2007!

Heather Larson


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